Hello All,
I have a Master Package which calls a group of other packages out on the SSIS Package Store using parent / child and a number of variables. These seem to work when passing various audit information (audit key, record counts, etc) but when I try to pass a variable for the connection string and assign it via an expression to the connection manager, I get the Master Package writing to the correct database and the children package writing to their "default" database which is supplied as the default value in the variables which should be populated by the parent task.
i.e., I end up with my master package audit information in database a and child package audit and transactions in database b, even though the packages associated with these transactions are supposed to be reading the connection string from a parent variable. Any clues or suggestions?
Edit: It is still passing along the correct parent audit information and record counts, it's just not connecting to the correct database by the variables holding the connect string
Thanks for your time.
After your issue the other day, it occurred to me that I do something differently, yet achieve the same thing.I pass in pieces of the connection strings to separate variables. (ServerName, DatabaseName, etc...)
Then, on the connection manager objects, I use their expressions to build its connection string based on those variables. So I'm not passing in a connection string -- I'm just passing in pieces. Then the connection manager's expression for "ConnectionString" takes it from there. Does that make sense?|||
yeah, that makes sense... I've been thinking about doing that for about a day now myself, although I was just wanting to get this to work first before going through with it. I think I will go ahead and change things over to build up the string dynamically, that way I won't have to retype everything in the set values tab every time I want to tinker with which database or server it is going to.
Right now I am building a test package that is passing the connection string and it works fine, however the test package is passing it to a pacakge on the file server (not in the sql package store). There shouldn't be any difference in how a package accepts parent variables between a file server executed package and a sql store executed package should there?
|||Well, I just spent a few hours converting those packages over to store the data source, initial catalog, name and password as seperatre variables and build the string up in the expression for the connection string. When I ran the package it was still pointing to the "default" values defined in the child package, even though I had changed the parent to point to a different data base within the source...
Any ideas?
EWisdahl wrote:
Well, I just spent a few hours converting those packages over to store the data source, initial catalog, name and password as seperatre variables and build the string up in the expression for the connection string. When I ran the package it was still pointing to the "default" values defined in the child package, even though I had changed the parent to point to a different data base within the source...
Any ideas?
Are you certain that the parent package variable configuration is set up properly? You may want to try adding a Script Task to your control flow, and within it using a MessageBox to pop up the value being configured just to validate.
Personally, I solve this problem with XML file configurations. I have one dtsConfig file that drives the ConnectionString property of the connection, and have connection managers with the same name in my master and child packages, and this works great for me.
|||Also try setting DelayValidation to true on your connection manager that you are configuring.|||I am fairly certain that I have them set up correctly in that I am also passing along other information such as audit id, filename, recordcount, etc and that is all populating correctly. It seems like it has predetermined what the connection managers connection string will be before the package receives the parent variable configurations...
Phil Brammer wrote:
Also try setting DelayValidation to true on your connection manager that you are configuring.
Didn't seem to help any...
EWisdahl wrote:
Phil Brammer wrote:
Also try setting DelayValidation to true on your connection manager that you are configuring.
Didn't seem to help any...
Then make sure your parent package configurations are working correctly. Make sure you're mapping to the .Value parameter of your child variable. Also, CaSE matters, I believe. And I always just type in the name of the variable. No "User::" or "System::" prefix.|||
Double checked and triple checked. As I said, I am able to pass off certain values (auditkey, etc) no problem. As a matter of fact, I am able to pass the same connection string (or portions thereof to piece together into the connection string) if I am passing it to a package via the file system, it only seems to come up when passing parent package configuration variables from a parent to a child stored on the SSIS package store.
On a positive note, the set values through sql agent job maintenance works fine for the master package now ... If only it would pass these to the child packages (or if the child packages would pick it up from the master's "default") igh:
After reading another thread I think I may have described something a bit inaccurately. I am storing these packages on the SSIS Server under the msdb subfolder (i.e. connect to integration server, click subnode stored packages, msdb, packagefolder -> import) as opposed to the package store (same as above but click on the file system within the stored packages node). Would that make any difference?
|||Question: Are you using any other configurations in your child packages, besides the Parent Package Variables? If so, can you describe those?
|||Nope, just the parent package variables.
|||Well, i am currently facing something like this...
And i am starting to think that Parent Variables are somehow desync with the child package execution...
In my situation i have Execute SQL Task at the beggining of the package registering the inicial log record... and its beeing inserted with the default values on my child package instead of using the configured parent package values!
Later on i have that kind of connectionString mechanism and its working right... i think its a matter of delay... probably if you try putting a script task before using the connection, you will get your parent variables in time.
Had you tried it?
Just a though...
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