Monday, March 26, 2012

Parent Package reports failure on errors, but no errors in log

I have a parent package that calls child packages inside a For Each container. When I debug/run the parent package (from VS), I get the following error message: Warning: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

It appears to be failing while executing the child package. However, the logs (via the "progress" tab) for both the parent package and the child package show no errors other than the one listed above (and that shows in the parent package log). The child package appears to validate completely without error (all components are green and no error messages in the log). I turned on SSIS logging to a text file and see nothing in there either.

If I bump up the MaximumErrorCount in the parent package and in the Execute Package Task that calls the child package to 4 (to go one above the error count indicated in the message above), the whole thing executes sucessfully. I don't want to leave the Max Error Count set like this. Is there something I am missing? For example are there errors that do not get logged by default? I get some warnings, do a certain number of warnings equal an error?



I never figured this one out. It looks like in a parent/child package model this happens where you will get an "error" even though the child package succeeded. I've checked and there are no data errors (e.g. truncation, ...) or package logic errors. It has happened on two other package sets I've created where there is a parent package calling child packages. The work around has been to bump up the MaximumErrorCounts in the execute package task, the for each container that contains the child packages, and the parent package. Not a good solution but it works.|||

I still continue to see this behavior. I have text file logging setup to catch every event in both the child and parent packages. I have no warnings or errors and the child package runs completely and does what it is supposed to do. But in the parent package, the child "Execute Package Task" fails with a "The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised..." which is the only error message I get in the logs. Again, every event type is set to log.

I can work around this problem by bumping up the MaximumErrorCount on the "Execute Package Task" but what errors is this catching?

Is this a bug? Are there any MVPs on here?

|||I encountered the same error and could not solve it, I had to use the maxerrorcount work around as well

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