I am creating a data set for a ROLAP report which executes a dynamic SQL using EXEC. I am finding problems parameterizing multi-valued report parameters in the SQL being executed through EXEC.
To consider a sample code:
EXEC('select * from country where country_key in ('+@.country+')')
where @.country is a multi-valued report parameter.
google is a wonderful thinghttp://groups.google.co.uk/group/microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs/browse_frm/thread/9d9739713fe89f5f/11b4fc22ce2e9e0b?lnk=st&q=multi+value+parameter+%22reporting+services%22&rnum=3#11b4fc22ce2e9e0b|||
i am facing similar problem. I was trying dynamic SQL for the performance of the report.
But got stuck on multivalued parameter......
For me
Declare @.sql varchar(4000), @.rcc varchar(4000)
set @.rcc='a'; -- now if more than one value will be passed to it, this query will fail, it will execute but return nothing.
select @.sql='SELECT * FROM abc '
select @.sql=@.sql + 'where abc_column in (''' + @.rcc + N''')'
Exec( @.sql)
I am not sure creating a function and using it to split the parameter values finally result as a plus or minus to the performance.
If any one has any other way of doing this, Pls help.
|||and did you bother reading the link?|||
Try this
create another parameter new_param_country which is single valued
make it hidden
give value as
="'" & Join(Parameters!country.Label, "', '") & "'"
Give the same expression for default value too
For eg:- if the countries selected are FRANCE, INDONESIA and ICELAND, the value of the new parameter will be 'FRANCE', 'INDONESIA', 'ICELAND' which is a string
Use this parameter in the dataset instead of the multivalued parameter.
Thanks a lot Meenu. :-)
Works fine for me. Just did a little change to the expression
=Join(Parameters!country.Value, ", ")
as I needed only value.
|||This is exactly what I've been looking for to put all if the multi-value parameter values in the page header.
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